Speaker of Senate: Cody Castillo (he/him)
Email: assousenate@sou.edu
Office Hours: Tuesday 2:00pm – 4:00pm
Location: 333 Stevenson Union (ASSOU Office)
Cody is dedicated to helping his constituency and the SOU student body as a whole. Since moving to Ashland in 2022, he has constantly involved himself in community efforts such as volunteering at the Ashland Community Food Bank, working as a manager at Louie’s of Ashland, and helping produce and facilitate various local film projects. As a student, Cody has experienced the same obstacles that many other students have faced, and he strives to make the experience of attending our beautiful university as seamless and personally enriching as possible.
Academic Advocacy Senator: Michael Stilson (he/him)
Email: assou@sou.edu
Office Hours: Wednesday 11:15am – 1:15pm
Location: 333 Stevenson Union (ASSOU Office)
Hi! Michael here. I am a Senator for the Associated Students of SOU (ASSOU). My goal in my tenure is to properly support you and your studies. I will be keenly listening and am open to suggestions on ways I could help improve student work/study/life balance, support student mental health, while balancing both with professor needs. I believe there is a middle ground where students are learning much without dealing massive workloads to both student and professor. Never be afraid to stop by, as I love meeting new people and would love to help you in the best way I know how: Legislation. Feel free to stop by and hangout too! I like games and TV shows, but I’ll talk about whatever. Let’s enjoy our school year together and I hope we can be of help here to you at ASSOU!
Accessibility Senator: Kal Petersen
Email: assou@sou.edu
Office Hours: Tuesdays and Thursdays, 12:30pm – 1:30pm
Location: 333 Stevenson Union (ASSOU Office)
Hi! I’m Kal, your Accessibility Senator for the 2024-2025 school year. I’m a junior majoring in Theatre with a certificate in Teaching English Language Arts. I’m also a transfer student, so this is my first year at SOU! I’m honored to be a part of ASSOU, and I encourage everyone to show up to meetings to learn about important parts of our school like tuition, healthcare, and extracurricular events. I would also love for anyone to reach out to me or show up to my office hours to discuss anything you want to see changed at SOU. I am a strong believer in prioritizing your mental and physical health, and my goal as a Senator is to make it easier for SOU students to succeed in school while taking care of themselves.
Campus Life & Housing Senator: Melina Lomas (she/her)
Email: assou@sou.edu
Office Hours: Monday 12:30pm – 2:00pm
Location: 202 Stevenson Union (ASSOU Lounge)
Hello! My name is Melina and I am your 2024-2025 Housing and Campus life Senator. I am very pleased to hold this position and am here to make your journey at SOU very fun, smooth and safe. If you have any problems or any ideas that could help SOU’s campus and housing, please email me so we can talk! I am very excited to make a difference on campus with your help.
Clubs and Organizations Senator: Kayla Gaches
Email: gachesk@sou.edu
Office Hours: Tuesdays from 1:30-3:30
Location: 202 Stevenson Union (ASSOU Lounge)
Hello! My name is Kayla, and I am the 2024-2025 Clubs & Organizations Senator. I am a criminal justice major here at SOU, currently in my third year as a student. Taking this positon, I want to stress the importance of everyone’s voices and opinions because the only way to make a change is to listen to feedback from students currently in a club or organization. If you have any ideas or concerns to be voiced please do not hesitate to reach out to me via email or stop by my office hours for a quick chat! I look forward to this year as your Clubs and Orgs Senator!
Vice Speaker of the Senate & Gender Equity and Sexual Diversity Senator: Quinn Nightingale (they/them/theirs)
Email: assou@sou.edu
Office Hours: Monday 1:30pm – 3:30pm
Location: 308 Stevenson Union (Social Justice and Equity Center)
Hi! My name is Quinn and I’m serving as a senator for my second year with the goal of representing SOU’s vibrant queer community in campus decisions. Please feel welcome to visit me during my office hours to discuss anything we’re working on or that you think we should be! I’m in the last year of my Biology degree in the pre-veterinary pathway, with a minor in business. I’m passionate about student issues and will do my best to improve the conditions, accessibility, and the variety of resources available to students with my position this year.
Multicultural Affairs Senator: Elena Pereira (she/her)
Email: assou@sou.edu
Office Hours: Wednesday 11:00am – 1:00pm
Location: 202 Stevenson Union (ASSOU Lounge)
Talofa! I am in my second year with SOU studying Criminology/ Criminal Justice minoring in Military Science. I am very excited with my second term in this position as I continue to be a source to my constituents in regards with the affairs of the Multicultural Coalition and Student Body. I intend to help my constituents by being their voice in issues about policies and decisions in the Student Body. I am very honored to be in office and look forward to serving with this year’s leadership!
Non-Traditional, Military Affairs & Higher Education Senator: Sebastian Cantero (he/him)
Email: assou@sou.edu
Office Hours: Tuesday and Thursday 1:00pm – 3:00pm
Location: 321 Stevenson Union (TRIO Office)
Recreation, Outdoor, Athletics Program (ROAP) Senator: Ayden Wolgamott
Email: assou@sou.edu
Office Hours: Thursday 10:00am – 12:00pm
Location: Hannon Library first floor math/science annex
My name is Ayden Wolgamott and I am a wrestler and math major here at SOU. I joined the senate as ROAP senator because I want to represent the SOU student body with the utmost accuracy regarding decisions made for our recreation center and campus life as a whole! I plan to strive for more with this position and create as many new clubs opportunities possible for our campus. I am also really excited to advocate and initiate new sports facilities to be built and increased funding for our athletes.